
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

C++ Tutorial- Program- 17- Pointers


//Pointers: A pointer is a variable that contains the address of a variable.

using namespace std;
 int x=100;   // initialize integer type variable name x
 int *y;     // declare integer type pointer y

    cout<<x;  // print value of integer type variable x
    cout<<"\n";   // new line

  y=&x;        // giving address of variable x to y
 *y=5000;    // without accessing x changing value of x=100 to 5000

 cout<<x;     // after, poiting now, value of x is : 5000
 cout<<"\n";  // new line

 int **z;     // declare integer type pointer to pointer c
 z=&y;        // giving address of y to z
 **z=90;     // now, without disturbing x&y value of x is 90
 cout<<x;    //value of x is 90 


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